So I thought I would give you guys a glimpse into my world! Ha.

Today I was motivated and moving at high pace. I love those days because at night, I actually feel accomplished! On top of what I got done at home, I also managed to get myself ready to go to dinner tonight! I did so during Gillian's nap (shes newly 3) when she woke up I heard her shuffle around and wander into my room. As she rounded the corner, she looked me over. I asked " Does this look ok?" She looked again and said..."I dont like it" I asked her waht was wrong with it. This was her three year old response...

"Its old, you need a new one, a new dress. We can go to tar't'et [target] and get you one."

I love the laugh it gave me...but man I am raising a monster! Can you imagine her as a teenager? ha.

Im so blessed to have a job that I love and a family that takes care of me as much as I take care of them. I love them very much and too be honest, as I face another relationship facing the end of the rope...they have been a constant that has my feet grounded! Its somehow easier to keep your head held high when you have people who love you tell you so all the time! Especially when others decide they dont!