My sweet Ava!

So this was Ava's response to hearing about Washington DC. You see for those who dont know, Ava and I are inseparable! When she heard about the move and realized I wasnt coming along for the was bad news...

It went from bad to WORSE... very quickly!

They finally convinced her to go under the condition that I would visit often and they would fly home to see me in October.

She is now in Washington and trying her darndest to make the most of it...however, it is just torture being without one another. Her days are full of amazing activities that are just mundane without sharing such moments with her best aunt in the whole wide world!

She sits and waits for word of my arrival...she can barely stand to hold herself up anymore...soon enough it will be hard to even get up in the morning! (pause for laughter) Every time there is a knock at the door she darts to see if her Aunt Isa has come to brighten her day...

And with every charge for the day she is left with such disappointment and sadness...

She has even resorted to hiding in her toy box during the long hours of the day...

Now ... she is becoming angry!

So after hearing about this recent developement...I have decided to go visit my sweet and precious niece...As I called and let her know I was coming...Amy held the phone out on speaker phone. She was thrilled to hear my voice, it was absolutely flattering to see her face light up with joy...then as she heard the words she was so longing to hear...this was her delightful expression:

Now, even though they choose to torture her with horrible UT wear...she can wear her smile and bear and grin it...because after all her Aunt Isa will be there soon!


Cant wait to see you either my sweets!


So that was all a way to show you all
the freakin adorable pictures of my sweet niece
Ava Elisabeth Hall! She is actually doing wonderful and growing and loving her parents dearly!

However, the part about the torture...that was very cruel can you be!
It ok though...she gets to be an Auburn Tiger some of the time too! :)

Honesty in love...

So I am sitting at home after a long full day and an evening of laughter and wonderful company. I sit now with my thoughts of where I am in life and how different it is than where I saw myself. I stumble not only for words right now but I struggle to form the thoughts that utter those words. I cannot make sense of the place I am. I cannot explain how I got here. I know that I am where my feet stand firmly grounded on the Rock. However, my heart wavers on contentment. My heart had desire and love wrapped up in the idea of where I would be standing today. My mind saw a very different picture. And yet where I stand that vision is not only gone but deminished. The thoughts I had once are now now just memory, but vacancy. On hard nights I would call this loss. But I am reminded of the God that allows me to see Will rather than loss. My God shows me time and time again that in seeking HIM I will find HIS will and there is no loss in the will, but rather a better vision than my heart dreamt up for myself.

I faithfully follow keeping my eyes on HIM...afterall a friend kindly reminded me the other day that if my heart is completely His then the guy who will chose to dance through life with me...will find me there. I struggle just as anyone else to see friends and family move into other phases of this so called "life" life is not different unless I chose to let it be. My life offers the same joy, love and happiness...simply in other forms.

Ryan Adams has a song that states "I know it’s not a game, But it feels like losing when someone you love throws you away" BUT I must remember that the one God intends to love me will imitate the Love of my God. And that love, no matter the disappointment, will constantly support what I have been convicted of all my life.

I choose constantly to love people that dont always show the same respect. And my heart continues to face changes to make me a better person. The one called to walk with me hand in hand will have sought the same in life and will able to love me and realize how lucky we both are.

So I thought I would give you guys a glimpse into my world! Ha.

Today I was motivated and moving at high pace. I love those days because at night, I actually feel accomplished! On top of what I got done at home, I also managed to get myself ready to go to dinner tonight! I did so during Gillian's nap (shes newly 3) when she woke up I heard her shuffle around and wander into my room. As she rounded the corner, she looked me over. I asked " Does this look ok?" She looked again and said..."I dont like it" I asked her waht was wrong with it. This was her three year old response...

"Its old, you need a new one, a new dress. We can go to tar't'et [target] and get you one."

I love the laugh it gave me...but man I am raising a monster! Can you imagine her as a teenager? ha.

Im so blessed to have a job that I love and a family that takes care of me as much as I take care of them. I love them very much and too be honest, as I face another relationship facing the end of the rope...they have been a constant that has my feet grounded! Its somehow easier to keep your head held high when you have people who love you tell you so all the time! Especially when others decide they dont!