New and Strange Beginings

So I worked all weekend and Although I am working again today...the kids are in school and the youngest in napping and I am left with a minute to myself. A minute in which ALL the things I have ignored catch up with me. Ok, so ignored may be the wrong word. More like opted to not focus on. So My sister and my brother in law along with their dog and my wonderful niece have moved to Washington DC. I am left with the realization that I actually loved living close to them. We are incredibly close and having them leave really put into perspective how important they are to me. And with many other options in my life on hold, typically I would throw myself into my work. Which would be good. But for some reason I do not feel like I would accomplish anything for myself in doing so. I want to experience life...not just the next dollar. I want to see parts of the world I have not seen and I want to make memories that I have to share with others. I have my list of "to do" here at home...but who knows where you may find me soon to come. :) One thing is for sure though. I MISS MY FAMILY!