Love will reside...

A heart can beat to a tune of a song
The voice of a friend or the rush of a night.
A heart can carry where we dare not let our feet tread
A heart can mold a person to forgive and forget.
The heart allows our vulnerability to reveal
the softer side and the part that is real
The heart lays us out to be hurt and deceived.
The heart makes way for broken relief

Without the heart, chances are missed
We wouldnt jump or step out and take risks.
Love would be foriegn and lessons unlearned
The love of our God would not be understood

We value others by taking such strides
to go out on a limb and subjected to such strife
Once a blue moon true love will be found
Our hearts find their home and new shelter is found.

Our God never means to allow hearts to break
But we are the ones that choose which roads we will take
He offers his arms to comfort and provide
healing and laughter and love to reside

He longs to give what our hearts long to have
In stepping with his guidance that love we will find
We wait for his hand and step with his pace
We find perfect peace when seeking his face

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